Chiropractic Care for The Most Common Regional Problems

Sports injuries:

Top athletes and weekend warriors alike are prone to the occasional injuries and chronic wear and tear. Training and exercises challenge us physically and improve our strength, balance, flexibility and energy level. The “No pain, no gain.” mentality certainly gives us motivations to push your body a little closer to the limit and a little further than your comfort zone each time. And you progress. However, it is important to differentiate between post-exercise pain and serious injuries or any damages.

Neck Pain:

Neck pain often seems to start out of nowhere. Your neck mobility decreases due to muscle spasm and pain. This condition could be bought on by muscle spasms, herniated discs, faulty posture, whiplash, degenerations, misalignment of the spinal joints, and scoliosis.

Upper Back Pain:

Commonly caused by repetitive stress on the thoracic spine. Poor posture leads to chronic strains and fatigues of the soft tissues, and biomechanical misalignments. Muscles and postural imbalance, trauma, degenerative changes in the spine cause pain and discomfort often associated with neck pain, shoulder and scapular pain, and symptoms in the arms and hands.

Lower Back pain:

Lower back pain can be sharp, stabbing, tingling, or burning. It can often be a dull, lingering ache that causes stiffness and tenderness. Symptoms may radiate down the legs or up the spine. Stress to the joints, ligaments and muscles contributes to lower back pain. Other causes include: herniated disc, osteophytes, sciatica, narrowing of the spinal canal, and any other pathology of the spine.

Shoulder Pain:

Painful motion of the shoulder. Shoulder problems of the shoulder joints and surrounding area includes: bursitis, tendinitis, tendon tear, frozen shoulder, shoulder instability, impingement, osteoarthritis, and rotator cuff injuries.

Arm and hand pain:

Dysfunction of the neck often causes aches and stiffness that spread to the upper arm and forearm. Direct pressure on a cervical nerve causes pain, stiffness, dull pain, muscle tension, numbness and tingling, shooting pain, burning and weakness.

Pelvic Pain:

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a painful condition involving the joints that connect base of the spine to the pelvis. This creates pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, groin, and upper legs. It limits movements. It’s often misdiagnosed because the presenting symptoms are similar to mechanical back pain and sciatic pain.

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ/Jaw):

Pain in the joint of the jaw due to trauma, dental problems, teeth grinding, and misalignments. Causes inability to open the mouth wide, clicking or popping sound, pain when chewing or jaw locking.

Hip and Leg Pain:

Sciatica is one of the most common conditions involving the leg pain, as well as other injuries such as shin splints and knee, ankle and foot pain due to soft tissue sprains and strains. Including leg pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.