Radiculopathy (Pinched nerve)

“I have this shooting pain down my arm(leg)!! It feels like an intense electric shock.”
“I can feel something wrong with my arm and hand, it’s this dull boring sensation that’s been bothering me.”
“I tried resting and staying off this arm but the problem is just not going away!?!”

Radiculopathy is caused by compression or irritation of a nerve as it exits the spinal column. Pain, soreness, numbness, a burning sensation and a tingling feeling in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, or feet are signs of a pinched nerve. The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of the of the misalignment of the vertebrae.


  • Herniated disc
  • Foraminal stenosis, narrowing of the nerve exit at the spinal column.
  • Diabetes
  • Nerve root injuries (Stinger/Burner, traction injuries, Acceleration Deceleration injuries) injuries that damage the nerve itself.
  • Degenerative changes in bones, arthritis
  • Faulty posture
  • Spinal joint misalignment
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
Signs and Symptoms
  • Pain: sharp, dull, boring, numbing…etc. All and any kind of pain signals that our nerve can relay.
  • Paresthesia, numbness, tingling
  • Deep, hard to describe stiffness and tension in arms and legs
  • Radiculopathy follows the nerve distribution pattern
  • Loss of sensation along the nerve’s pathway into the arm and hand, leg and foot
  • Muscle twitching
  • Muscle weakness
  • Painful muscle spasms

Restore normal function of the spinal joints and reduce nerve compression
Ice, traction, soft tissue therapy, electrical muscle stimulation, exercise or stretching
Locate the site of the nerve impingement and interference and fix the root cause.
Improves function and flexibility and reduces pain, as pressure is removed from the nerve endings that line the joint’s surface