Forward head posture

  • Head translated anteriorly
  • Loss of normal curve of the neck, leads to faulty mechanics of the cervical spine and abnormal wear and tear of the joint structures.
  • Hyperextension of the upper cervical segments
  • As head moves forward, the neck has less ability to rotate
  • Every inch forward increases the stress your neck and shoulder region must withstand. Each inch gains approximately 10lbs in weight that your neck and upper back muscles have to pull against to keep your eyes leveled
  • Increase the potential for degenerative diseases
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome becomes more likely due to soft tissue tightening
  • Uncorrected, forward head posture will get worst and condition will continue to decline

Common symptoms

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Headaches, tension-type headaches
  • Stiffness and pain in the upper and middle back
  • Shoulder/arm pain or numbness
  • “Cracking” with shoulder movements
  • Chronic muscle strain, pain or tension
  • Decreased range of motion around neck and shoulder

Rounded Shoulder

  • Shoulders rolled inward, thumbs point toward the hips when arms are relaxed
  • Scapula tilts forward, causing upper trapezius muscles tightening and weakens other muscles that stabilize the scapula
  • Chronic tension in your soft tissue leads to increase upper back and mid-back pain
  • An excessive curvature of the thoracic spine, the body appears to slouch and hunch forward

Lower Cross Syndrome

Common Symptoms

  • Muscles stiffness and pain in the lower back
  • Forward pelvic tilt
  • Muscle pain in the gluteal region

Forward pelvic tilt

  • In a seated position, muscles that bring your knees up to your spine becomes habitually shortened. This overactive muscle tension pulls the lumbar spine forward and tilts the pelvic girdle forward
  • Lumbar spine curvature increases and tightens the lower back muscles
  • As the pelvic girdle tilts forward, abdomen pushed forward and weakens your abdominal muscles
  • Overactive hip flexors inhibit hip extensors, your glute muscles
  • These postural and muscular imbalance combines cause instability in the pelvic region
  • Affects muscle tone, proper mechanics and coordination. Eventually leading to pain and other symptoms.